Money – What is it? Who’s rules do you use

What Is Money?

The American Dollar, the Yen, the Euro, The English Pound, Australian Dollar, The Canadian Dollar & the Mexican Peseta are some of the Currencies that are called Money if the different areas of the world today.

Is Money ….

Just the Dollar Bill Bank Notes & Coins (Cash) in circulation in the country

The Cash + current account balances in banks / building societies

The Cash + current account + overdraft balances in banks / building societies

The cash + all account balances of banks & building societies (including the ones you have to give 30 to 90 days notice to get your money out)

YES the Government uses all these definitions of money in its attempt to manage the National Economy while controlling inflation

And should also include the amount of stocks, shares, bonds and even the profit that can be extracted from cash sales that can be converted into money within 30 days

You see, there are many ideas of what people think money is.

Do you follow the rules set for the benefit of the bankers
who created the
credit crunch?

Do you follow the flock & hope to be one of the lucky ones
who can afford to live in retirement
– if you get that far,
because you give over your life to a System that is designed to fail over 95% of the population since it was first used to suppress the Anglo & Saxon (Germans trans-located by the Romans) & other Peoples of England in 1066
by the Normans.

Or do you let the best person
Create the Rules for Your Life – You?

Average or Ordinary People do what the majority of the flock do
so struggle on the scaps that are thrown them by the Rule Makers who
Ask 4 Success and take a little
extra action 4 Success

Fun way to take your business to the next level
interactive training live in London
Do you know how to change what your money themostat is set to?

Do you follow the rules set for the benefit of the bankers
who created the
credit crunch?

Do you follow the flock & hope to be one of the lucky ones
who can afford to live in retirement
– if you get that far,
because you give over your life to a System that is designed to fail over 95% of the population since it was first used to suppress the Anglo & Saxon (Germans translocated by the Romans) Peoples in 1066
by the Normans

Or do you let the best person
Create the Rules for Your Life – You?

Average or Ordinary People do what the majority of the flock do
so struggle on the scaps that are thrown them by the Rule Makers who
Ask 4 Success and take a little
extra action 4 Success

Fun way to take your business to the next level
interactive training live in London
Do you know how to change what your money themostat is set to?

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